P.U.P. and U.D.P. Goes Head to Head in Sugar City
Orange Walk Town stands out as the sugar capital of the country. The country’s oldest sugar mill operates just outside of the town’s limits and many of the residents who work in the industry are from the town. And so, it is fair to say that sugarcane farmers make up a significant percentage of the voting population in the town. But, it is yet to be seen how recent tensions in the industry will impact the upcoming municipal elections. A viable sugar industry is, however, not the only thing that Orange Walk residents except of their leaders. At the municipal level, there are needs for proper drainage, streets, family-friendly activities, playgrounds and parks to name a few. There is also an expectation that their municipal leaders act with transparency and accountability. News Five’s Paul Lopez takes a closer look at the political landscape in Orange Walk Town leading up to March sixth.
Paul Lopez, Reporting
The People’s United Party has maintained control of the Orange Walk Town Council for just over a decade. Incumbent Mayor, Ladrick “Mad Bull” Sheppard is seeking re-election. He boasts that no other mayor across the country has achieved what he and his team have been able to do over the past three years.

Ladrick Sheppard
Ladrick Sheppard, P.U.P. Incumbent Mayor, Orange Walk
“We need the people to understand we want to work for them. That is why we are aggressive from the get go. Nobody cannot say we started working last minute. You cannot do seventy-five streets in two days, that is impossible. Showing that we are capable of getting the job done. This council was well prepared. Minister Kevin Bernard left us there and we continued that plan. But we cannot accomplish this goal except to work as a team. I always tell everybody, when you combine your work together you can get more done.”
But, UDP mayoral candidate, Enrique Carballo is not buying Sheppard’s pitch. Carballo says, residents are telling him on the campaign trail that they are ready for a change. Orange Walk is considered a P.U.P. stronghold, having four P.U.P. ministers operating in the district, three of them in the municipality. However, Carballo says that does not worry him.

Enrique Carballo
Enrique Carballo, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Orange Walk.
“I am not worrying about that P.U.P. stronghold. I am confident that with our campaigning and the team and the people receiving with us with great reception and the concerns, I feel we have a great chance of winning this, definitely. “
“But If this happens, you get into office, how will you execute your plans under a P.U.P. central government?”
Enrique Carballo
“If that should happen, municipal bodies have enough autonomy to do whatever we want to do in the town. Now if the central government is serious about development then I believe we can work hand in hand, because we are Belizeans. Central government has a responsibility to develop our toen our villages and our country as a whole.”
Prime Minister John Briceño’s Orange Walk Central constituency exists within the Orange Walk municipality. And, incumbent Mayor Sheppard does not shy away from the fact that the town council gets a significant amount of financial support from the prime minister.
Ladrick Sheppard, P.U.P. Incumbent Mayor, Orange Walk
“Hand in hand work, the Prime Minister comes with us and he even gives us a percentage of his money so that we could invest it in the town. When he is out doing his job as a prime minister, we are the ones in Orange Walk Town taking care of it. We just invested four hundred thousand in a park. It is called the Phillip Alvarez Park. WE have one of the most beautiful parks in Orange Walk in the entire country, I can boast about that.”
But, Carballo says that it will not stop him from pushing his vision for the town, if elected.
Enrique Carballo
“My vision for Orange Walk is for a flourishing, inclusive, environmental friendly and a town for progress and that will only be done with the people of Orange Walk.”
According to P.U.P. councilor candidate, Alondra De La Fuente, a newcomer to politics, while there are activities in the municipality to engage youths, residents are demanding greater investments into youth initiatives.

Alondra De La Fuente
Alondra De La Fuente, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate, Orange Walk
“One of the top things I have heard during the campaign trial would be for us to have more initiatives for youths, things like brining back summer camps, things like bringing back youth enhancement, sporting in our community. We already have those established in Orange Walk but we need to get the youth community more involved and this can be done through different entities and youth groups in our community.”
On the other hand, Kendle Esquivel, a youth himself, says Orange Walk residents are clamoring for municipal leaders with the willingness to serve.

Kendle Esquivel
Kendle Esquivel, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Orange Walk
“In the past many people have promised and have not kept their promises. I believe I am one of the persons that can change things. I want to do things that serve people. I bring the willingness to serve. I don’t want to serve myself; I want to serve the people. I know that it is a hard task and a challenge. It iill be a hard task and I believe that with the help of our leaders, it will be a fair job.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Paul Lopez.
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