P.U.C. Proposes to Grant Consent to BELCOGEN
Last month, the Public Utilities Commission (P.U.C.) proposed a consent grant to Belize Energy Cogeneration Limited (BELCOGEN), which generates energy from sugar cane bagasse. This consent would allow BELCOGEN to operate a co-generation power plant, enabling them to generate, transmit, and supply electricity as an independent power producer to Belize Sugar Industries Limited and Belize Electricity Limited. The P.U.C. stated that this consent aligns with the goals of the Belize National Energy Policy 2023, ensuring that BELCOGEN continues to meet the country’s energy needs. Shawn Chavarria, Financial Manager of Belize Sugar Industries, provided an update on this consent grant.

Shawn Chavarria
Shawn Chavarria, Financial Director, B.S.I.
“Belcogen generation license is actually expiring at the end of December. And so with the new regulation, we have to go through a process of applying first for a generation license and then the consent for the facility. So we now have our generation license for the next ten years and the process of finalizing the consent, I think the deadline is today and so far we haven’t heard, we’ve submitted everything that has been requested by the P.U.C. and so we’re expecting that consent should similarly be provided.”
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