P.D.M. Leader says “Fawda” Henry Excommunicated from Political Movement
The leader of the People’s Democratic Movement, Estevan Perera, is defending his name and that of his newly established political organization, after his former city council candidate berated him publicly. Last night, we told you that Phillip “Fawda” Henry, a candidate for the movement, is no longer a member of the PDM. Henry told News Five that he withdrew his candidacy because Perrera has not been forthcoming about funds he purportedly collected from private businesses to run his campaign. Well, Perrera visited our office today to clear his name and set the record straight. He says Henry was excommunicated from the P.D.M. for being defiant.

Estevan Perrera Sr.
Estevan Perrera Sr., Leader, People’s Democratic Movement
“Mr. Henry is a problem child and he has to understand that he must listen and abide by the laws and regulations that is set in our constitution and manifesto. There is no special treatment for anyone and to set the record straight, he did not resign. We had a meeting and we all got together, the executive and fellows running in this election coming up and we decided to move him from the People’s Democratic Movement, not because we dislike him or anything, but because of the bad habits and we have spoken to him several times a for him to change and he will not listen. First of all in our manifesto it says, fifty percent, we will give to all elderly people that are living in a home that belongs to them and we believe that is reasonable, fifty percent discount that is. He keep on saying they will pay nothing, it is free. We keep on telling him nothing is free, we got to collect something. But, he will not listen. So, we left him alone. Then again he came up and said, within my movement and people, telling them that I collected money from business people. Well when he said that I said this guy is questioning my integrity now. He is really out of bounds. So then I called a meeting with my entire executive and council and I told Fawda you said I collected money from business people, could you kindly tell my friends in here who that business man is and how much I collected. He didn’t say nothing. So as a result we excommunicated him, took him out all together. We have nothing to do with Mr. Henry.”
Paul Lopez
“With Mr. Henry’s exit, how much candidate to you now have on your slate?”
Estevan Perrera Sr.
“Present it is ten. I need one more. I will be campaigning tomorrow. I got two candidates today but when I talked to them they said they don’t want to run. So I got to go out tomorrow and no problem I will find a candidate to replace him and we will have eleven candidates to run on this election day.”
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