Oscar Mira Says Decision to Remove Dead Ends Aren’t Arbitrary
We also heard from Oscar Mira, the People’s United Party Area Representative in Belmopan. He contends that based on registered and authenticated street plans from 2006, those dead ends in the Maya Site area should be connected to the George Price Boulevard. He says that the decision was taken to connect the streets based on those plans. Here is more from Mira, courtesy of our colleagues at Plus TV.

Oscar Mira
Oscar Mira, P.U.P. Area Representative, Belmopan
“We met in her office and she called her city administrator and the city engineer. We went through the plans of what she wanted to do. She suggested again that she would prepare the streets for paving and I would do the rest. I thought it was a good initiative and project. Unfortunately when we were putting in the culverts we had another meeting and she came back with a stop order. Perhaps I believe that if the mayor had done her homework and check on the official map for Belmopan, I have a plan from 2006 showing ten lots being a subdivision of a portion of open space in Belmopan. Those were the areas we are talking about, because in the past there was nothing else after those streets there was a cul de sac. I think most of us remember those days. However with the new plan, this was in 2006 which is registered and authenticated it now shows that the area has been opened unto the George Price Boulevard. That is when the boulevard was also surveyed. So we decided to do the streets and if you notice the maps it all leads on to the boulevard.”
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