Orellano Eyewitness: “We could have done something”

Gabriel Orellano
Today, Stella Maris School held a candlelight vigil for staff, students, and parents. Attendees wore blue to honor both autism awareness and Gabriel Orellano’s life. One attendee described the event as deeply sad and reflective. News Five also spoke with a witness, a sanitation worker, who saw Orellano running down Freetown Road. He mentioned that three teachers passed by and asked if he had seen the child, and he directed them down the road.

Voice of: David Henkis
Voice of: David Henkis, Sanitation Worker
“Ih the run and ask if ih pass me, I tell ah yes Ih just gone up suh,ih gone straight up Freetown. So, after that, a next lady, mussy bout five or ten minutes, said you nuh see a lee young bway run pass unu. I said, ih just run straight pass Western Dairies and gone up suh the jog. We mih want stop ah because we know dah something wrogn and the bus usually carry them and they don’t usually come out of the compound like that. We didn’t stop him because we see two persons, two Spanish people and we mih feel like dah he mah or aunty. We the watch ah to, because deh mih deh behind ah and he the jog slow. But, we sih miss lady, the two lady gone suh and continue run. When miss lady come back ih seh, the third lady come back and seh we find ah. Ih never tell we how deh find ah. Dah when my coworker come and tell me that is the same young bway deh find at hangar drown. That weigh on my mind. I just mih want the father touch we so we could touch that little young bway as well. We cry and all, pan the real side. All ah we terrified, cause we could have done something at the same time. But dah when dah your time breds, I don’t know what to say.”
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