HomeCrimeOrange Walk Man Murdered Upon Arrival Home

Orange Walk Man Murdered Upon Arrival Home

Orange Walk Man Murdered Upon Arrival Home

Police have another murder to solve, this time in Orange Walk Town. The incident happened on Sunday morning as Norman Gillett and Leon Tasher were entering a yard in the Palmar Boundary area of town. Reports are that Gillett had just arrived home and was heading into his yard when he and Tasher came under fire by someone in a vehicle. But police say they have a suspect in custody, as well as the vehicle involved. News Five’s Marion Ali filed this report on the incident.


ACP Hilberto Romero

              ACP Hilberto Romero

ACP Hilberto Romero, Regional Commander, Eastern Division

“On Sunday, the 30th day of June 2024, police responded to a shooting incident at Monkey River Street in Orange Walk Town. Upon arrival, they learned that two male persons had been shot. They were identified as Norman Gillett and Leon Tasher and were taken for medical treatment. Thereafter, police visited the hospital where they learned that Norma Gillett had passed away.”



Marion Ali, Reporting

Sixty-year-old Norman Gillett was reportedly entering his yard on Monkey River Street in Orange Walk Town when he and Leon Tasher came under gunfire. ACP Hilberto Romero shared what the police have gathered on the incident so far.




ACP Hilberto Romero

“Investigations revealed that they were at a yard at the address along with other persons when an SUV vehicle pulled up. A person came out of a vehicle, fired several shots towards the direction, causing the fatal injuries to Norman Gillett and the injuries to Leon Tasher.”




At the entrance to Gillett’s house his relatives and friends lit candles where he was gunned down in honour of his memory. One of his neighbours told News Five that Gillett was not a troublemaker.





Voice of: Neighbour

                           Voice of: Neighbour

Voice of: Neighbour

“He nuh mess with nobody. He just goh da work, come back and then that’s it. Ih da wa good bally, when I tell you good, he start to earn money, treat them picnic good. Whatever he bring for them kids, take it, because da wa good bally. I can’t explain it. I shocked cause he’s a good buddy, he’s a good friend.”



Police have recovered the vehicle involved in the shooting and have detained one person pending investigation. Marion Ali for News Five.

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