Opposition Leader Questions PM on Crown Counsel Salary Adjustment
At the start of today’s Sitting of the House of Representatives, Leader of the Opposition Moses “Shyne” Barrow asked Prime Minister John Briceño for an update on the approved salary adjustment for Crown Counsels. His question was, when will the Crown Counsel get paid the salary adjustment approved by the Barrow government many years ago, which was finally passed in the supplementary bill in December. The questions led to a back and forth between both party leaders. Here is how that played out.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“You know the heart of hypocrisy, when they say you have the face of brass. This leader of the opposition comes and asks when we are going to make a payment in 2012.”
Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
“Madam speaker on a point of order madam speaker, the standing order clear talks about irrelevance. We don’t need a history lesson. The question is, when will they be paid. That is a simple question. You cannot allow him to abuse this authority.”
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I am answering the question. It is important to give the entire history of how this came about and he don’t want to hear the truth cause the promises of 2012 and to now this PUP government is making the payment. He have the face of brass to ask when we will make the payment and he came here and voted against us paying these people.”
Shyne Barrow
“That is a lie, how can he say I voted against it.”
Prime Minister John Briceño
“You voted against it, you voted against the supplementary. You voted against it. You show me where you voted yes.”
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