HomeLatest NewsOpposition Leader Questions Contradiction in Portico Senate Inquiry

Opposition Leader Questions Contradiction in Portico Senate Inquiry

Opposition Leader Questions Contradiction in Portico Senate Inquiry

Last week, we told you that developer David Gegg, of Portico Enterprises Limited, wrote to the Clerk of the National Assembly rectifying certain statements made before the Senate Special Select Committee on May twenty-first in Belmopan. In his letter, Gegg noted that while he sent an email to a personal email, which he believed to be for Tourism Minister Anthony Mahler, he did not attach the Definitive Agreement. He further clarified that the email he intended to send to the prime minister was sent to a “jbreceno” as opposed to jbriceno and as such it would not have reached the Prime Minister. The Leader of the Opposition is urging the Senate Special Select Committee to question the prime minister and every other public officer Gegg named during his testimony, to provide further clarity to Belizeans.


Moses “Shyne” Barrow

                      Moses “Shyne” Barrow

Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition

“But only the most important deal of his life and now he sent the email to “Breceno” rather than Briceño, only the most important deal of his life. So there are questions that need to be asked. So, we demand that the select committee call the prime minister, call Eamon Courtenay, call minister Mahler, call the Minister of State, Chris Coye , all of these people should be called to the Senate select committee because no Belizean is above the law. When they had the special inquiry the former prime minister made himself available, the former minister, current area representative of Corozal North made himself available. That is the way it is. So, we hope that the same way the Senate Select Committee is after Erwin Contreras to appear before the Senate Select Committee that they will be after the prime minister to answer the question because there are so many contradictions in the position of the prime minister and his ministers. David Gegg is saying that he sent all of the ministers that I mentioned the definitive agreement and an email. Now he is saying he did not attach the agreement. So the contradiction in itself demands that all the players come before the committee and let us clear it up. It is for clarification.”

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