Opposition Leader Chides G.O.B. Over National Security
The National Security Bill was also debated inside the House of Representatives. The council has been in operation since the early nineties, but it has never been formalized. This bill seeks to do just that. Prime Minister John Briceño explained that the legislation gives teeth to this important arm. The Leader of the Opposition rose to support the bill. He also addressed the current state of citizen security in Belize, while once again calling on the Minister of Home Affairs and the Commissioner of Police to resign.

Moses “Shyne” Barrow
Moses “Shyne” Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
“I rise to support this bill. We do live in a constant state of emergency under this administration who promises citizens security. We have had anything but that yet the honorable member for Caribbean Shores will blame it on the media. He says it is social media that makes us feel like there have been a forty percent increase in murder. When you are talking about national security madam speaker the domestic threats that we have faced under this Briceno administration as far as the rampant crime waves, the increase in murder has been unparallel. Never before have I seen in the glorious years of the U.D.P. administration did the commissioner of police house get shot up, sprayed with bullets on the day that the S.O.E. was declared. One of the criticisms I put to the public is that we never heard from the chair of the National Security Council. Who is the chair of the National Security Council? That would be the honorable prime minister. He has a hapless minister of national security, worthless commissioner of police, they both should go. Both of their expiration date have come.”
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