HomeLatest NewsOpposition Condemns Criminal Code Amendment

Opposition Condemns Criminal Code Amendment

Opposition Condemns Criminal Code Amendment

We told you about the Ministry of Home Affairs plans to amend the criminal code, criminalizing the dissemination of photos, videos, and statements that make up part of a criminal investigation. Last week, Minister of Home Affairs, Kareem Musa sat down with the media to explain what the intentions of the legislation are. This, however, was not received well, as many members of the media fear that that the amendment imposes on the freedom of the press. This concern was reaffirmed by the opposition earlier today, which released a statement condemning the amendment. Minister of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francis Fonseca was asked about the amendment, which he agreed, was a cause for concern.


Francis Fonseca

                        Francis Fonseca

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs

“I think it came obviously from the Ministry of Home Affairs. The minister, I think is obviously best place to respond to that question. I know we had a discussion about it in cabinet. I raised the issue of the press, freedom of the press and what impact it would have on the press and the minister assured me that he felt comfortable that it would not and that certainty that there would be an opportunity, if any issues arose, in terms of concerns from the press that he would make an effort to address those issues. So I’m comfortable with that at this point. But I think it’s legitimate for the press to be concerned about that issue, I think it’s justified. Because your job is to ensure that  there is accountability, transparency, you want as much information as possible in good faith.”

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