Old Haulover Bridge is being Taken Down
A team of workmen contracted by the Ministry of Infrastructure Development and Housing has begun the painstaking process of dismantling the old Haulover Bridge. The structure was built in the 1940’s and straddles the mouth of the Belize River. Since it has been replaced by a modern bridge that was inaugurated a few weeks ago, the plan is to take down the existing structure and relocate certain sections to other parts of the country, including Cayo District. Chief Engineer Evondale Moody explains.

Evondale Moody
Evondale Moody, Chief Engineer, M.I.D.H.
“We decided, let’s see if we could salvage this structure and use it somewhere that could be beneficial to the public and so we thought that using it in Santa Familia would be an ideal location because the river span is not that long. And so, we’re only using two sections of the Haulover Bridge at that location. We expect to use the third section in Camalote where they have a road going to the A.T.M. Caves. There’s a small wooden bridge structure there. So once we could garner funds later this year, we expect that we would use that last section for the A.T.M. Caves.”
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