No Taxes on K.H.M.H. Workers’ Gratuity
They’ve come out swinging when the working conditions at the K.H.M.H. do not meet their standards, but now employees at that hospital will no longer pay taxes when they collect their gratuity upon retirement. This comes through discussions between the Public Service Ministry and the Ministry of Finance. Today the Minister of Health and Wellness, Kevin Bernard shed light on this breakthrough.

Kevin Bernard
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health & Wellness
“That has been a process through the public service and Ministry of Finance. That was something that we were trying to fix what had existed. As you know, some subsidiary or called statutory bodies were exempted and they were not exempted. So it was all an issue where the Ministry of Finance and the public service felt that they had to put it in line with other statutory bodies. So that’s, basically, that’s what was done.”
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