Nigel Petillo Says U.B. Chairman’s Release Welcomed
We also asked activist Nigel Petillo for his thoughts on the press release from the University of Belize’s Board of Trustees Chairman, Godfrey Smith. Petillo says that it was necessary to hear from the chairman. In the same breath, he invited U.B. students to join the demonstration scheduled for tomorrow in front of the prime minister’s office in Belmopan.

Nigel Petillo
Nigel Petillo, Community Activist
“First of all, I appreciate him speaking out. A lot of people still nuh the seh nothing. A lot of people in high places to and it was very necessary for us to hear from the chairman’s perspective. So, we support what he is saying as far as we want a U.B. land, everybody want a U.B. land. That was the promise for the loan and everything. That was the attractive idea of that loan. That made it easy for any lender to lend us that type of money knowing you will build a medical hospital on a U.B. land. That is attractive. Now, it looks like the poor U.B. students can’t speak out. It looks like they are being held hostage. The poor students, but I the tell unu students, don’t wait until anybody tell you that you cant, come out. This is about you and your future and your children. Your unborn kids already have bills, while these people with these transactions done own lots of lands and cattle and buildings over this place from our taxpayers money. Dah time fih wake up you know.”
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