New Book for Children and People of All Ages
Kids have a new book to spark their imaginations! Today, author Karryn Dawson launched her children’s book, Dream Powers: Where Dreams Become Reality. The launch event was held at the Lake Independence Public Library in Belize City. According to the author’s daughter, Zyrah Noralez, the book’s themes resonate with readers of all ages. Here’s News Five’s Marion Ali with the full report.
Marion Ali, Reporting
Today, Karryn Dawson launched her debut book, Where Dreams Become Reality. This inspiring book encourages children to chase their dreams. Dawson’s daughter, who helped with the project, shared that it all began with a dream.

Zyrah Noralez
Zyrah Noralez, Daughter of Author
“It really generally started off when my mom had this dream and she has a lot of dreams and so, and she has this thing where she’s dreaming, she’s feeling so she knows how to dictate and how to express what’s happening. So, this was a dream that she had. And she said it was after many more than she had. And she said, why would I keep holding this in? I could make a book out of this and out of many life stories.”
The author explained what she did after she had the dream and that the dream included some suspense.

Karryn Dawson
Karryn Dawson, Author
“I dreamt it two to three years ago. I wrote it immediately, but I never put it in a book form until about, uh, last year. And then I officially made it a publication in January of this year.”
Britney Gordon
“So this entire story was inspired by a dream you have. What can readers expect when they dive into this story? What are we truly following?”
Karryn Dawson
“Well, we’re expecting suspense. We’re expecting excitement. The reality is that the book encourages you to dream. It’s letting you know that it’s okay to dream. And I’m trying to think of the right words to say without revealing what’s going to happen in the book, because it is a short book. You can sit and read it in one sit down, but what I can tell you is that there’s a part two coming.”
Zyrah Noralez explained that she and her mom share some real-life challenges that some of us can relate to.
Zyrah Noralez
“We are both clumsy people. So we could make a reality show out of our lives at this point. And this book was written by my mom and I oversee it. And I thought that It would be beneficial for her to turn it into a book, and I think it’s nice, and I think that, um, even if you’re above the age range, which is 6 to 10 years old, I think that children before the age of 6 could also read it, because you know they have some children who are advanced, and also children who may not be able to read it themselves, but their parents or guardians may be able to read it to them, and I feel like they would find it very amusing.”
The book is available in both Spanish and French. Dawson’s second book, Less is More, offers a faith-driven perspective on redefining success through purpose, impact, and balance. Marion Ali for News Five.
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