N.T.U.C.B. Senator: “The government is pulling wool over our eyes”
Union Senator Glenfield Denison was also present at today’s demonstration in Belmopan. As a member of parliament, Denison says the government is pulling the wool over the eyes of the citizenry. He says that the Briceño administration was clever in how they presented the Saudi loan motion in the recitals versus the resolution. Denison placed the Briceño administration on notice, signaling incoming court actions.

Glenfield Denison
Glenfield Denison, N.T.U.C.B. Senator
“The social partners senators will be putting out a release next week. But, to look at the loan motion itself. I think the government is really pulling wool over our eyes, because they did something very clever. They put in the recitals that they would build the hospital on the UB land. They removed that wording from the resolution. They put that the hospital will be built. In Belmopan, and nobody said anything then. So, I think it is important that we acknowledge that the governance structure is broken. The legislature and the executive just are one and with the exception of the four social partners who are barely holding it together, the legislature is just done. The executive is the legislature, and it is incestuous. The important thing is that there is a third branch of government and thankfully it was recently fully staffed with a lot of technical people from out of Belize who are not tainted with the politics of Belize. I clamored against the filling of the judiciary with foreign judges. I still do, but I think a surprise will come for the executive very soon when the judges start issuing judges against the government and surprise, surprise they all security of tenure. These judges are all appointed until sixty-five. You might not be afraid for the union or so, but when the court actions start coming, I really hope the executive starts to pay attention.”
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