Mother’s Battle Inspires Daughter to Become Cancer Advocate
A Belize City woman is hosting a musical event this weekend at the Bird’s Isle to raise funds for cancer patients. Letesha Tate recently found out that her mother has been diagnosed with breast cancer. This has motivated her to organize an event for Saturday night called Punta Rama that will feature a host of Punta rock bands and a line up of DJs. Tickets are going for twenty dollars. Tate says the funds will go to her mother’s medical bills, as well as other cancer patients in need at the K.H.M.H. We spoke with her about the upcoming event.

Letesha Tate
Letesha Tate, Organizer, Puntarama Night
“I am trying to do this for cancer patients because my aunt died of the same breast cancer that my mom has. So I am trying to be an advocate for cancer patients. I am trying to make this a yearly thing. Many people don’t have the finance to have treatment and go to radiation and it is a mental and physical going with cancer, because you know when you are fighting cancer your mobility is lost and financial burden is one of, part of it. So, I am just trying to do it yearly to lessen the financial burden on other cancer patients also. With this event just know it will be a night to remember. We are having Ugundani Band which is a band everyone knows. She used to, well me and my mom use to partake in Ugundani, dancing, partaking in events in Mexico with NICH also. We also have Lovelace from Hopkins that supports my mom also. Henry Moguel which is a new singer coming along in the Garifuna industry. We have Darvin which is the DJ and his accomplice. We have Black Ice Sounds which is a new sounds coming out. It is much younger people coming form the ground participating because my mom use to teach young children Garifuna music, teaching hostel kids how to cope with music. So, all the kids she did is putting back to her. The proceed from these events will go towards my mom surgery and radiation cost. If we have some left over I am going to the KHMH cancer place and they are going to choose who has the least finance and give the rest to them.”
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