More Security Needed at Courts Following Magistrate Assault
On Wednesday, chaos broke out at the Magistrate’s Court in Punta Gorda when prisoner Mason Kelly attacked Magistrate Sashawna Jody-Ann Thompson. Kelly, who has a history of violent crimes, including attempted murder and assault, admitted to throwing a fan during the session but denies the aggravated assault charge. This incident highlights the need for better security during court sessions. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams provided more details on the situation.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I have said before that there is a need for us to have a discourse about respect. When I was assaulted in Orange Walk, people made a whole issue about it. If you assault the commissioner of police while he’s working then who are you not going to assault? If you assault a magistrate who sits on a bench dispensing justice, then who are you not going to assault? And the police is on top of the matter. I believe the magistrate would have made a report, and the police is going to deal with it. And I hope that when the matter goes before The court deals with it adequately. It cannot be that we have people who are assaulting police, magistrates, journalists, and so forth, when we’re doing our work and they just get a slap on the wrist and go home. We must send a strong signal that is going to serve as a deterrent to anybody who may think that they can do these kind of acts and get away with it.”
“But there are reports that the man was, is mentally ill. In that case, what then happens?”
Chester Williams
“If he’s mentally ill, then he still goes to prison, and then the prison is going to arrange for him to get the cure that he needs to be able to assist him. But that should not be a justification, no. We are stretched really thin. We also have to look at the high court for security. We do have a number of judges who llack security and I had instructed Mr. Romero to provide security for those judges. That is going to take another eight police officers out of the operations to provide security for judges. But the security of the judges is important. We must ensure that our judges who are performing such duty in our high courts that they get the level of security that they deserve. So we’re doing as best as we can to make sure that they’re safe as well.”
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