More Details of the 21-Year-Old Gunned Down in Belize City
The McFadzean family’s life was turned upside down on Friday morning when twenty-one-year-old Floyd McFadzean was tragically shot and killed on Cemetery Road, Belize City. Floyd, an employee at an insurance company, was driving his Ford Fusion with two passengers when his vehicle was suddenly sprayed with bullets. While his passengers, twenty-one-year-old Troy Gentle and twenty-year-old Deon Gladden, managed to escape with minor injuries, Floyd was not so fortunate. He sustained fatal injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.
According to Floyd’s father, McFadzean was an innocent victim, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. “No, I don’t know he as that. He never do that, always the home early, hang out with we on weekends,” said Floyd McFadzean Sr.
The tragic incident occurred just after midnight at the corner of Johnson Street and Cemetery Road. Floyd’s passengers managed to jump out of the car and flee, but Floyd couldn’t escape as the driver’s side door only opens from the outside. He was trapped inside the vehicle and became the target of additional gunfire.
Floyd’s father shared that his son had no known enemies and was not involved in criminal activity. “None at all I know those guys, none. But the two guys that got shot, one in the neck and one in the foot. But he take all the shots. His car door it can only open from outside and the rest of guys jumped out the car and ran. He is the only one that cant open the door and right there they put the rest of bullet in him,” McFadzean Sr. said.
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