MOHW Warns Against Tainted Supplements
The Ministry of Health and Wellness is sounding the alarm about four dietary supplements making the rounds in Belize. The products in question are Arti King, Artibion, Artri Ajo King, and Vitafer-L. According to MOHW, these supplements contain hidden substances that could be harmful to your health. As a safety measure, the ministry is urging everyone to steer clear of these products. We spoke with Doctor Melissa Diaz-Musa, the Director of Public Health and Wellness, to get more details.

Melissa Diaz-Musa
Dr. Melissa Diaz-Musa, Director, Public Health and Wellness
“There are about four of them, Artri Bion, Artri Kin and Arti Ajo Kinga and Vitafer-L. The first three was marketed as supplements that would help with arthritis or ache or pains, a general multivitamin or supplements that help the body function. And the vVtafer was marketed as a supplement that helped to lift mood and give energy and help with your day to day living. The ingredients these supplements have listed does not have that it is tainted with another medication. These other medications need a prescription for the ingredient not listed here. So Artri King has glucosamin, Vitamin C. Omega 3, but it does not have that it has an additional ingredient that can cause signs and symptoms. The ministry placed this press rlease out to warn the population not to purchase medication from social media or unauthorized dealers of pharmacies.”
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