Minister Habet to Represent Belize at COP 29
COP29 is in full swing in Azerbaijan, and it’s all about setting new goals for climate finance and making sure every country can ramp up their climate action. Belize has been sending its top technical experts and government officials to these conferences for years, and this year is no exception. We caught up with the Minister of Sustainable Development, Orlando Habet, who is gearing up to head out on Friday to join the action at COP29.

Orlando Habet
Orlando Habet, Minister of Sustainable Development
“In this case I have not been able to go. I had to stay for this house meeting, so I will be leaving on Friday. The last week is when most of the negotiations will reach the stage when it cant go further based on the negotiators then they will call in the high level which will be the ministers or the prime ministers if they are there. So, my responsibility, apart from Belize, is that I have been selected to championing the cause for AOSIS and CARICOM and CARICOM is also considered the small island developing states, so we are members of AOSIS. So, our jobs would be to still seek out the possibility of advancing the NCQG to see how we can upscale the finances coming through for climate change and make certain that we try to get as much as possible. As you realized their past finance goal was a hundred billion per year, now countries are saying that is not enough, we have taken too long, so we are trying to see how else we can do it.”
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