Meet the Orange Walk Municipal Candidates
We are twelve days away from the March sixth municipal elections. In tonight’s installment of Meet the Candidates we take you to Orange Walk. On Wednesday, the People’s United Party and the United Democratic Party nominated seven candidates each. On March sixth, residents will get to decide whether they want the P.U.P. to continue leading the town or if there will be a change in the political makeup of the municipal leadership. We spoke with a few of the candidates on both sides. Here is what they told us about themselves.

Alondra De La Fuente
Alondra De La Fuente, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate, Orange Walk
“I have been advocating for the youths through the Belize youth movement. I am currently the Belize Youth Movement chapter president in Orange Walk and I strongly believe that youth development, youth enhancement and youth activities are needed in our community so that they can find healthy lifestyle activities and be involved in initiatives that would cater for their social, emotional development and also physical.”

Allen Yu
Allen Yu, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate, Orange Walk
“I am someone that likes to learn how the system works, how things work. How do we collect our garbage, where do we go, how do you get your streets done. I like that type of stuff and seeing the good work that the previous mayor was doing, now Minister Bernard I saw that he is like an inspiration. I enjoyed the work he did, despite being the opposition, despite getting no help from outside, he made Orange Walk what it is right now and I saw that I want to do something like that.”

Ladrick Sheppard
Lardrick Sheppard, P.U.P. Incumbent Mayor, Orange Walk
“I was a councilor from since 2012 under then Mayor Bernard. So, I had nine years of preparation to get me where I am. So when I get on that seat in 2021 when I was elected as mayor I told everybody that I was going to work along my team. That is exactly what we did. We have done a lot, revamped the parks, cleaned the drain, streets, no other council overall, no other counsel has done seventy-five streets in basically three years.”

Marina Gongora
Marina Gongora, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Orange Walk
“I have been with the U.D.P. for over fifteen years. I actually enjoy meeting people because when you are in politics you meet all sorts of people. At this point in time I decided that we need people with good qualities, people who have made a name for themselves to come out and show people that we have people who care and can make a difference. “

Kendle Esquivel
Kendle Esquivel, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate, Orange Walk
“I have seen many instances where people need help, people are being left on the side by the people in power and I think that one of the reasons that inspire me is that we need to find something to do to assist the people. I am not thinking about new building and new bridges, nothing like that. I have a passion for the society to bring back the humane aspect of society, to take care of the people.”

Enrique Carballo
Enrique Carballo, U.D.P. Mayoral Candidate, Orange Walk
“I think the people from Orange Walk need a change and want a change. I think this council has been in the council for twelve years and the pressures are not much. The political pressure is not there. What we are feeling is that the people need and want a change.”
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