Meet the Candidates of Benque Viejo Del Carmen
The time is drawing nearer to the 2024 municipal elections. On March sixth, Belizeans from all over the country will gather at the polling stations in their respective city or town to cast their votes for the new council. Until then, electoral candidates set off on their campaign trail, visiting the homes of voters in their area in the hopes of securing vote in their favor. Tonight, we are heading west to the town of Benque Viejo Del Carmen where you will be introduced to the mayoral candidates of the People’s United Party and The United Democratic Party, as well as a few of their councilors. Here is tonight’s episode of Meet the Candidates.

Marco Tesucum
Marco Tesucum, U.D.P Mayoral Candidate, Benque
“My name is Marco Antonio Tesucum. Most people know me as Marky. I have lived here all my life and I have been a teacher for approximately thirty-five years and so basically I know most of these people in this town. We are looking forward to work with the institutions, the high schools especially, and try to assist them as much as we can with students. Many students go to classes without, um, breakfast perhaps, or even though they might go, but they might not have for lunch. So we are planning, for example, on a Saturday, they can work at least half day and they can earn some money for their week.”

Jorge Rosales
Jorge Rosales, P.U.P Mayoral Candidate, Benque
“So really why I got into politics. I’m the mayor of Benque Viejo at the moment, 2021 to 202. And why I got in into the mayor candidacy was because the area where I live, which is at the Carolina area up in the hills, we never had the roads fixed and I was a contractor at a time. Being a contractor I had some vehicles and the way of life that was over there. I didn’t like it. So I decided, I said one day I will be mayor and I’m trying to come and fix everything that is wrong in Benque. We will try to implement two hundred thirty works like call center and remove the where the, bus terminal is at the moment, which is not a terminal. It’s just a parking area where they’re parking and move, uh, Make a central bus terminal by the cancha where that’s where the call center will be and that will bring in the socio- economic businesses to a point that will be the center area of Benque Viejo”.
George Iglesias, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate
“I’m pushing for opportunities for the young people, for single mothers. For a better like clinic, have a 24 hours clinic so people don’t have to go to Ignacio. So that’s about it. And how is the campaign going so far? It’s going very good. I think we do have an opportunity for the 6th of March. I think we’re gonna OUT 0:33 come out victorious.”

Jenny Martinez
Jenny Martinez, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate
“I’m a medical scientist by profession and an entrepreneur in Benque and I’m looking forward to serve my community, which is a passion of mine. We are campaigning on various issues social issues, education. Health is one of my priorities. Prioritize the health sector, education, and the social well being of the community on a whole.”
Britney Gordon
“What inspired you to join the campaign this year?”

Maria Martinez
Maria Martinez, U.D.P. Councilor Candidate
“Of course my love for my beautiful town and to also to uplift it from where it is. To take it to another level because my whole life I’ve been a teacher and I’ll always look for the benefit of everybody in this country, the children, the adults and the youths in a whole. So that’s where got my inspiration and because I’ve also been in politics before. So I feel like I have that to be with the people and help people.”

Shamir Polido
Shamir Polido, P.U.P. Councilor Candidate
“We have a lot of youths in BenqueViejo and if I go in the municipality on March seventh, I want to help the youths to start their new businesses. Start giving them incentive so they can prosper. Or also, help them with trainings or other forms of materials so they can use for their businesses.”
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