Mayor Says City Administrator Fiasco is “Much ado about nothing”
There is discontent within the Belize City Council in the wake of a recent decision taken by Mayor Bernard Wagner to appoint former councilor Albert Vaughn as the new city administrator. As many as six councilors, including Deputy Mayor Alan Pollard Jr., have written to Mayor Wagner objecting to Vaughn’s selection as the incoming municipal manager. Their reason for opposing the appointment is based on the requirements for the post. They contend that beyond his six-year tenure as a councilor and his past experience as a member of the Belize Defense Force, Vaughn has nothing to show that he is capable of handling such an important role at City Hall. According to Mayor Wagner, who spoke with News Five one-on-one this morning, the discord is much ado about nothing.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Belize City Mayor
“A lot made out of nothing. I essentially acted on the recommendations of the interviewing committee and I did that action and then I anticipated that I would take it to the caucus for ratification. The ratification purpose really serves to approve the action that I did, and so we are really looking forward to get this passed. I am anticipating full support from my council.”
Isani Cayetano
“This is a situation, however, where as many as six councilors have objected to this particular appointment, citing concerns about the qualifications of Mr. Vaughn to handle such a portfolio.”
Bernard Wagner
“Well, I think the new CA [city administrator] really has, based on the interview that he did, really reassured the residents of the city that he has all the competency level. So how do you measure competency level? Does he have the knowledge? Does he have the skill? But more importantly, does he have the value system and the integrity? And I believe that [Albert] Vaughn passed all of those marks.”
Isani Cayetano
“The idea, nonetheless, of there being some form of democracy or transparency in respect of the decision-making process and the fact that these six councilors are saying, essentially, [they] the form the majority and their position isn’t being acknowledged.”
Bernard Wagner
“Their position is acknowledged. They have their forum at the caucus where we debate the issues. I will bring the action that I did for their ratification. Ratification simply means that you go through the vetting, you debate the merits of it and then, in a gentleman’s way, you get these things done.”
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