Massive Crocodile in Belama Phase 3 Raises Community Concerns
A massive crocodile lurking in a canal in Belama Phase Three has residents worried. One resident shared a video on social media of the enormous reptile, while calling on the relevant authorities to visit the area and relocate the animal. We visited the area this afternoon and numerous residents told us that this is the largest crocodile they have ever seen in the area and that many dogs have been killed since it showed up a couple weeks ago. The community now fears for the safety of its children. We spoke with Kyra Young, a resident of Belama Phase Three. Here is what she told us.

Kyra Young
Kyra Young, Belama Phase 3 Resident
“I posted a video because my neighbor was alarmed. They actually woke up to that crocodile in their yard. It was in the yard. So, they sent me the video to show me and at first, I was taking it lightly because people always try to make things bigger. When I went to see it for myself, did you guys see how big that crocodile is? That is why I call it “crocodilious eatorous”, because I have never seen one in that regard. That took the dogs, ate all the four five pot licker them and the puppies. One of them actually took the puppy out of the child’s hand, because they were playing in the yard and the dog went to drink water from the canal and the crocodile took the puppy out of the baby’s hands. What if the crocodile took the baby and I have kids and my kids always play in the yard. So, I saw that very alarming. There are small ones, we always see the small ones, they always come up to the bridge, that is why they are not afraid of us. They come all the way up here, they wait for us and the animals. This one I saw is the biggest crocodile I have ever seen in my life and I have seen crocodiles in San Pedro, I have seen them at the crocodile sanctuary and this is the biggest one I have ever seen in my life and I believe we need to sought this out together as a community and we don’t want one day they say it took a child or a man or woman, because you see how big that is? That is bigger than you and I combined. That will take me easily. I dah bones. I am pleading that the community could get together to see how we could remove this animal. I know you trap them with hooks and bait, so see how we could trap this animal and take them out of this area and put them in another area where they won’t be around humans. I understand this is their habitat, but this is my habitat as well and how will I be afraid to traverse my area because of a crocodile? I don’t think that makes sense. This feels like dinosaur ages, we need fih tighten up.”
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