HomeEconomyMarion Jones Mangroves Finally Cut Down

Marion Jones Mangroves Finally Cut Down

Marion Jones Mangroves Finally Cut Down

Belizeans have been demanding renovations to the Marion Jones Sporting Complex for years. Athletes and other users have had to make do with worn-down tracks surrounded by overgrown mangroves. Earlier this year, the neglected state of the area led to sightings of snakes and crocodiles. But today, there’s finally some good news—the mangroves are being trimmed, marking the first step in addressing the issue. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Youth and Sports shared more details about the mission to revamp the facilities.


On the Phone: Devin Daly, Minister of State, Youth and Sports

“Basically myself and Minister Mahler we’ve initiated a cleanup for the Ion Jones Sporting Complex program that we’re planning on rolling out for the entire country, but starting off in a city and it’s basically sanitizing and getting the era cleaned and more suitable for people in the city to interact and workout.”


Britney Gordon

“So when did this begin?”


On the Phone: Devin Daly

“We’ve started I would say about two days after the Prime Minister appointed the portfolios.”


Britney Gordon

“And so when can we expect them to be ready to use?”


On the Phone: Devin Daly

“We’re not necessarily stopping from the residents from using the Marion Jones while we’re doing the works. The works usually start from the morning and we have the necessary cautionary tips and cones while the works is being carried out, but we’re not stopping anyone from using the facility. We don’t necessarily have an end date as yet for the complete renovations of the Marion Jones, however, it’s a work in progress.”


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