Maria Rodriguez’s Appointment Debated in Upper House
The controversial appointment of Maria Rodriguez as Belize’s next auditor general was a hot topic at today’s senate meeting. The debate, which started during Friday’s House of Representatives session, continued with Senator Glenfield Dennison bringing it up in the upper house.

Glenfield Dennison
Glenfield Dennison, Union Senator
“I have absolutely no point of reference for Maria Anelle Rodriguez. I was not furnished with her resume, I was not furnished with her qualifications. I was not furnished with anything other than my little Google searches on who she was. I was also unaware and still remain so unaware as to the qualifications of any other applicants. I note that the motion seeks to appoint Ms. Rodriguez until the age of sixty-five. What I am sure of, Madame President, is that any change to the constitution could not have affected her tenure if we would pass this motion. So if it is as a country we are looking at how these offices are to work with one another and the selection process is to go, then I want to respectfully suggest that we look at a sort of model where we could possibly look at appointing her in a longer tenured period than we had suggested four months at the last time, but something that would not tie the people of Belize to an auditor general who we don’t know, who I don’t know anything about for twenty-three years.”
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