HomeBelize DistrictMan Accused of Child Cruelty Returns to Court

Man Accused of Child Cruelty Returns to Court

Man Accused of Child Cruelty Returns to Court

Thirty-three-year-old Devain Flores pleaded guilty to two counts of child cruelty when he appeared before the lower courts two weeks ago, after a brief video showing him physically abusing a three-year-old child went viral.  Flores was back at the magistrate’s court today, where a mitigation plea was to be heard on his behalf.  He waved his right to call on character witnesses when all four persons, including his mother, his common-law wife, a brother and a fourth individual did not make it to court.  Despite being given additional time for Flores to get his witnesses to court, he proceeded to ask the Senior Magistrate to continue with sentencing.  Flores told the court that he is taking full responsibility for his actions.  Nonetheless, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, who is prosecuting the matter is seeking a custodial sentence of not less than twelve months in prison.  ComPol Williams is of the view that a fine is not appropriate and that Flores should serve time behind bars.  Flores has been remanded back to prison.

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