M.S.C Eyes Still Set on Stake Bank, But Waiting on Court Case
The Mediterranean Shipping Company is still keen on Stake Bank. Prime Minister Briceño has confirmed that talks are still in progress for the sale and purchase of the developing cruise port, even with the ongoing court battle. P.M. Briceño has made it clear that he’s not directly involved in the negotiations, emphasizing that his main concern is what’s best for the country.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“That is not a negotiation for me that I am dealing. As far as I know the negotiations continue between M.S.E and the bank. But that is something I am not sitting around the table in the negotiations. I am encouraging both parties, like any other party we would want to partner with the bank or buy over the project to do so. It is in our interest. So the last I heard they continue talking and negotiation and hopefully they could come to some agreement. But again we have to wait until January when the court hears the case that Mr. Feinstein has put against the acquisition of the land.”
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