Law Enforcement Authorities Boost Presence Up North
Last week, the cartel warfare reached new levels in Quintana Roo, Mexico and it created a sense of insecurity for some Belizeans who travel there frequently. To discourage the increase in cartel activity along the northern border, Belizean law enforcement authorities have also enhanced their presence on the Belizean side of that border. Today, Commissioner of Police, Chester Williams explained that the operations span the northern districts, particularly along the riverbank. And in response to a suggestion by the Leader of the Opposition, Moses Shyne Barrow, Williams explained why civil society cannot be included in the process.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We have certainly stepped up our presence in the area. I did a tour of the area over the weekend. I made several observations and I will be putting my observations into a document and submit to Cabinet with recommendations in terms of what additional. Efforts I think that we can put into the area to enhance the level of security for our people so there is where we are right now. This is a very highly sensitive operation that we’re conducting and because of the nature of the operations, we cannot include NGOs or persons who are not a part of the security apparatus in the planning for several reasons. One may also has to do with the security of those people. Because once people get to understand who are parties to a plan against them, then they become a target. And so we would not do that. And likewise, to be able to ensure confidentiality in terms of how the operations is going to be executed. Again, there has to be confidentiality because the security of our troops on the ground is important. This is a very highly sensitive operation that we’re conducting and because of the nature of the operations, we cannot include NGOs or persons who are not a part of the security apparatus in the planning for several reasons. One may also has to do with the security of those people. Because once people get to understand who are parties to a plan against them, then they become a target. And so we would not do that. And likewise, to be able to ensure confidentiality in terms of how the operations is going to be executed. Again, there has to be confidentiality because the security of our troops on the ground is important.”
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