Lands Commissioner Comes Under Fire
The President of the P.S.U., Dean Flowers also took aim at Land Commissioner Talbert Brackett. He undertook a valuation of the fifteen acres with instructions from the government. And, in 2022 Brackett approved the subdivision of those very parcels. Here is what Flowers had to say.

Dean Flowers
Dean Flowers, President, P.S.U.
“Where the ministry of lands is concerned, and again very nice fellow, very good fellow, the commissioner of lands, nice fellow, but when he himself.”
“He subdivided the land and he valued it. So he is in a conflicted space.”
Dean Flowers
“And that is why I brought him up, because I want to say with all due respect to the commissioner of lands, nice man. But when we bring back people into the system, you see why sometimes we speak strongly against it. They come to do more damage than harm and I think that I am pleading to the government, please let us look at elevating one of the bright public officers. There is Ms. Doreth, Mr. Cal, excellent people there. There is no need for us to have a retiree doing this type of stupidness, valuing bush for six point nine million dollars. Weh wrong with you brother, when the P.S.U. just help the government reacquire just twelve acres of land for three point three million dollars. This is madness and the commissioner of lands needs to be also held accountable for that foolishness it went to do.”
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