Kaya Cattouse Is P.U.P.’s Standard Bearer in Alberts
On Sunday, the P.U.P. held a convention to endorse Kaya Cattouse as the standard bearer for the Albert Division. Cattouse will go up against the U.D.P.’s Tracy Taegar-Panton, the incumbent area representative. Following Cattouse’s endorsement, Belize City Mayor Bernard Wagner told News Five that Cattouse’s endorsement was the party putting its best foot forward. And as for the public’s belief that Wagner once had an interest in running in Albert, he said that was not the case.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City
“Kaya obviously represents our best foot forward and we feel confident that with her representation in Alberts and we put in the work, we will see victory here in the Alberts Division. I can’t be concerned about the other side. We can only control – you only worry about what you control.”
Marion Ali
“Mayor, you yourself had your eyes in this area a couple years ago, or at least that was the interpretation that we in the media.’
Bernard Wagner
“As the mayor of the city, I represent all the constituents in the city, and so I have a definitely some sort of in row in, in the different divisions. But I, I believe that, so, Kaya being a woman gives us our best chance. I believe that we need more women in the midst of our party and certainly Kaya is the best of the best in terms of women empowerment, in terms of women propulsion within the P.U.P., within the People’s United Party. Were you asked to step aside for her? Not really. No, I, I didn’t have no sort of given the fact that I am all over the city, people naturally would think that, um, I have some interests. I was supposed to be in college. I was supposed to be, um, messed up. I was supposed to be in Queens Square. No, I am concerned about serving the city, um, completing my term, ensuring that we leave it in a better place that we found it. But then you don’t just win mayorship for three terms and then disappear into the sunset. Where will you go after this? Um, I have no plans on that at this moment. I know that I want to ensure that we continue to work under the banner of the People’s United Party to ensure that we put our best foot forward to ensure that our city continues to progress.”
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