Kareem Musa Says He Had Nothing in Vaughan’s Appointment
This week when City Hall announced that Albert Vaughan had been installed as the new City Administrator, a faction of the council denounced the appointment and criticized Mayor Bernard Wagner for single-handedly naming the new administrator without including them in the process. Almost as immediatedly, some started to speculate that Minister of Education and Freetown Area Representative, Francis Fonseca had influenced Vaughan’s appointment because Vaughan is a close supporter of the minister and his Freetown office. Fonseca clarified that he had nothing to do with the appointment, and when the media asked the Minister of Home Affairs, Kareem Musa if he had anything to do with the appointment, he too said he didn’t.

Kareem Musa
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
“I see that former Councillor Vaughan has gotten the nod, has gotten the seat. He’s a good friend of mine and I support Albert Vaughan fully. But about all this indication of a rift and threat of a potential lawsuit. How do you see that? I don’t know the particulars of it. I only see it on TV when you guys give a story about it. So I, don’t know of the rift. I don’t know the particulars of the rift. I just know that Mr Vaughn was selected and appointed and we are moving forward with him.”
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