Jose Mai to B.S.I.: “C.O.I.’s Focus Never Changed”
Earlier this week, we told you that the Belize Sugar Industries is accusing the Commission of Inquiry of changing its focus. B.S.I. noted in a press release that it will not cooperate in an inquiry that will be used as an avenue to create a new commercial agreement. B.S.I. also stated that it cannot share proprietary and confidential information. Well, Minister of Agriculture Jose Abelardo Mai is firing back. He says B.S.I. ‘s release comes as a surprise because they contributed to the commission’s terms of reference and recommended two commissioners. He contended that they should be more concerned about their credibility.

Jose Abelardo Mai
Jose Abelardo Mai, Minister of Agriculture
“I was concerned that the crop is coming to an end shortly and there is np Inquiry. So, I said let us move forward with the commission. I was surprised to see the release they issue they issued last week saying that we changed focus. No sir, the focus never changed. The Commission of Inquiry will make recommendations and then they decide if they want to follow the recommendations. But it is important for the commission of Inquiry to begin during the crop so that imperial measurements be taken and the recommendations be based on that.”
Paul Lopez
“Is the Inquiry a process to aid negotiations towards an agreement as they suggest?”
Jose Abelardo Mai
“In my view after imperial evidence are taken and interviews and observations at the mill are done and the experts, cause these are experts, come with recommendations and say listen, I believe that this is what should be done, we can either do this, this or this, it is a recommendation. And if that will help in the process of understanding a good commercial agreement then why not. As a matter of fact, it can lay the foundation for a good, modern, updated and fair sugar industry act which is fifty years old.”
“What they are saying is that you all are presuming to inquire into their private business affairs and every private business has a right to keep their corporate affairs private.”
Jose Abelardo Mai
“The Commission of Inquiry should be focused on the shared cost of the farmers and the Miller and I made the example in cabinet. I cannot go to SanCas and say I want a commission of inquiry on the milk we import because I am not forced to buy your milk. And two, I don’t share cost with you. It is a buy and sell. The sugar industry is a very peculiar arrangement with farmers. It is the only one in the country that shares costs with the farmers. So it is not a private business, an ordinary private business. This is a very peculiar type where the farmers share the cost, and the farmers are saying listen I just want to ensure you are charging me what is right.”
The Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association issued a late afternoon release noting its delight after learning that the Commission of Inquiry has commenced its work. The release further states the BSCFA is disappointed with the commission’s decision to not conduct its inquiry in public. The association urged the commission to reconsider this decision. As it relates to B.S.I./A.S.R., the association says the company is seeking to, “deliberately frustrate or prolong the work of the Commission or to refuse to be transparent by hiding information or to assert that it is untouchable.” BSCFA also says that it disagrees with the notion that the Commission’s report should not be used to facilitate the negotiations towards a commercial agreement.
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