Jamie Young Still on the Run After Murder of Damion Baptist
Jamie Young is still on the run after Saturday’s murder of thirty-year-old Damion Baptist in Ladyville, a deadly attack that has been blamed on jealousy. Young is wanted for questioning by police in connection with the incident, that unfolded in Maxboro where Baptist and his new girlfriend, Amber Dawson, were traveling enroute to his house in Burrell Boom. They never got there because after the couple stopped at Dawson’s grandmother who lives near her ex-boyfriend, they became his target. The couple was pursued all the way to Ladyville where Young allegedly shot and killed Baptist, who was trying to escape the attack in heavy traffic. According to his mother, Shelmadine Baptist, his siblings and three children are taking the loss very hard. She said he had planned to purchase a bus this year and would have applied for a bus run to Belize City. Meanwhile, Amber Dawson says that since the incident happened, it’s all that she can think of, and she has wanted to go to work to distract her mind. She can’t, however, because her estranged ex-boyfriend is still at large.

Voice of: Amber Young
Voice of: Amber Young, Girlfriend of Damion Baptist
“I wanted to go to work this morning, but I can’t keep staying in the house cause all I think about is what happened, and that’s not good. So, I want to be busy. It’s just – it’s not good. I’m stuck here. It’s hard. Deep inside, it’s just – I wish I could just get Baptist back.”

Voice of: Shelmadine Baptist
Voice of: Shelmadine Baptist, Mother of Damion Baptist
“My son deh very strong, but because da one ah dehn, dehn easily fall apart. They easily fall apart. Deh hurt. I know my son dehn really, hurt. I can’t explain the hurt weh dehn feel. So I said to my friend, I said, Jaimie nuh know what he did to my family. He just chance my son outta his life, take my son from his two daughters. He take my son from his two daughters. My son nuh get a break with his two daughters. He just chance my son outta his life, innocently.”
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