Individuals in S.I.C.H. Incident are Charged for Disorderly Behavior
Those vehicles donated to the San Ignacio Police Station come just over a month after there was a violent intrusion at the San Ignacio Community Hospital. Several standard operating procedures have been put in place to prevent a repeat situation. Today, the Commissioner of Police told reporters that the medical workers who were on duty inside the hospital at the time have not been cooperative with the investigation. As a result, the individuals who were detained in connection with the incident were only charged for disorderly behavior.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“I wish that we could make additional arrest. The issue with the mischief behind the incident at the San Ignacio Polyclinic is one that I don’t understand. The persons who were working, the doctor who shared that audio with Channel 7 had since refused to come forward and make any reports to police. We made an arrest based on the account of a third party who was not present and if police would have been able to file charges for threatening words or whatever, we would have needed statements from those persons who were in the hospital. Those people refuse to cooperate. As a matter of fact even the meetings we had they did not partake in those meetings. So in the absence of not getting statements from them we will not be able to proceed any further. All parties were detained and we did the best we can to charge some of them for disorderly behavior. They went to court, they pleaded guilty and they were fined. From the policing standpoint we have done what we can do with what we have. If at some point the statute of limitation passes the nurses who were working decide they want to give statements then we can proceed against those persons for threatening words.”
“At the time David Galindo’s brother, Minor had been named a suspect. Was he identified?”
Chester Williams
“We have checked out the video footage from the hospital and it turns out he was not at the hospital. So he was not a part of what took place at the hospital.”
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