“If they want to go, let them leave”, B.S.C.F.A. to B.S.I.
In its release, A.S.R./B.S.I. noted that it will have to reevaluate its options in Belize. Well, B.S.C.F.A. says if A.S.R. wants to leave Belize then let them leave. Ortega says, the industry will not collapse in the absence of A.S.R.

Alfredo Ortega
Alfredo Ortega, Vice Chairman, B.S.C.F.A.
“Of course yes, if we the BSCFA were prepared to buy the mill we had the money in hand ready to do so. It is a pity that the government at the time didn’t give us the opportunity to buy it over but rather they chose to give it to BSI. So if they want to go, let them leave. The industry will not die because they want to leave. There are other investors that want to come into the country. But because the design of the Sugar Industry Act, many of them that come just go away because as it is in the monopoly of BSI/ASR. SO we are not afraid if they want to pack and go because we know that will never happen. They are just trying to threaten us and the government so that we fall at their knees and do as they please.”
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