How Does G.O.B. Plan to Address Driver’s License Shortage?
On Tuesday, vehicle owners voiced their frustrations over the delays at the Department of Transport, struggling to get their driver’s licenses and vehicle stickers on time. Earlier today, Prime Minister John Briceño acknowledged the inconvenience and outlined how his government plans to resolve the issue.

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“I did meet with Minister Ferguson and acting CEO Shal. They ordered a large number of license plates and stickers and what has happened is that, as what CEO Shal confessed that he did not know the extent of the need that was out there and that’s why that’s finished. We already have another order and I am to check with the Ministry of Finance to see if they have already made the payment, but an order has already been made. With this order, we should be able to address all the needs going forward.”
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