Happy George Price Day…Then Back to Work on Thursday
Belizeans across the country will be celebrating the birthday of George Price this Wednesday. Known as the Father of the Nation, Price led Belize to independence in September 1981 and became the country’s first prime minister. He would have turned 105 tomorrow. However, celebrating his birthday midweek brings its own set of challenges for businesses and employees, who often struggle to plan around a midweek holiday. It can complicate scheduling meetings, deadlines, and other work-related activities, disrupting the flow of the workweek and making it harder for employees to maintain momentum and productivity. We asked Home Affairs Minister Kareem Musa about the decision to honor Price’s birthday on the actual day.

Kareem Musa
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
“There’s two sides to that argument. Some people advocate for having the actual holiday on the day itself, which was Mr. Price’s birthday. Usually when it falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, it would be moved to a Monday or Friday. This one happens to fall smack dab in the middle of the week and so we decided to leave it there. But certainly, if it were like a Tuesday or a Thursday, maybe moving it closer to the weekend to avoid the disruption is a good idea.”
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