Government Taking Traffic Safety Suggestions into Consideration
Joining Trapp at the candlelight vigil were Area Representatives Orlando Habet and Michel Chebat. Today, Habet mentioned that several suggestions have been raised, including driver education, driving schools, and tougher fines for traffic offenses. He assured that the government is considering these suggestions.
Via Phone: Orlando Habet, Area Representative, Cayo Northeast
“Certainly from the public’s concerns, but also some suggestions in regards to making certain that the signs are visible, that there are sufficient signs indicating curbs that are coming up if there’s a merge to an area where you have to merge from two lanes into one lane, that this is clearly painted on the road and on signs to have the speed limits revisited because in town, you don’t want the big speed limits. They also had concerns about the motorists not respecting the motorbikes and also motorcyclists really taking over the road, overtaking left, right, center; the noise pollution from motorcycles. They also addressed the issue of the lighting of certain areas of the road that are really dark and maybe just outside of the town itself, certainly the issue of speed bumps where it is necessary. And those roads, trucks, which would alert you, if you are running off the road to sort of guide you back and bring you back onto the road. But basically, also looking at the issue of road traffic education, driving education. They even proposed driving schools where private sector would be able to have professionals to teach young people to drive and not letting them off with one or two months of learner’s permit and then getting a license. There were concerns that many times the fines that are imposed for violations are not high enough to deter the person who commits this offense and then it becomes a repeat offense because maybe 25 for example for a traffic offense is not sizable enough to stop them from repeating the same thing over and over. And so it was it was really open people were concerned. Of course, some blame the government and that was okay because I think that was the whole purpose for them to let out what they felt inside but I think the communication was lively it was good you and it was back and forth. So I think we took notes and today, myself and Mr Chebat and Minister Balona reported what was spelt out last night at the vigil to the Cabinet and the Prime Minister has taken note and he will also address those.”
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