GoB Condemns the Suspension of Relief to Palestinians
The Government of Belize is seriously worried about the recent move by sixteen donor countries to stop funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees. This agency is crucial for providing humanitarian aid to Palestinians, especially those in Gaza who are caught in the conflict. The United Nations has sounded the alarm, warning that famine could soon hit Gaza, putting the lives of over two million people at risk due to this funding cut. Today, Minister Fonseca echoed the government’s plea, urging these countries to rethink their decision and continue their support. It’s a critical moment, and Belize is standing up for those in need.

Francis Fonseca
Francis Fonseca, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade
“We felt an absolute obligation, duty and obligation to make a very strong statement on this issue condemning Israel’s actions. This is an organization that, um, you know, serves the needs of the people, uh, Palestinian refugees, migrants, um, you know. Absolutely, it is, I think, wrong headed for Israel to take this position. Um, so we wanted to make it very clear where we stood, uh, in terms of the importance of this organization to ensuring, um, you know, the health and safety and wellness and dignity of the Palestinian people. Um, so we hope that, you know, the international community will join with Belize in condemning this latest action by Israel Um, and work to ensure that that happens. The organization is restored and is able to continue its work in Gaza.”
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