Gastroenteritis Cases are Spiking in Belize
On the rise in Belize are cases of gastroenteritis, also spread through bodily droplets. Musa explained that while cases of dengue rise and fall from week to week, gastrointestinal cases are among the most common of the communicable diseases that are on the increase. If you happen to be experiencing belly or stomach pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, chances are you have gastroenteritis and should visit your doctor.

Dr. Melissa Diaz-Musa
Dr. Melissa Diaz-Musa, Director, Public Health & Wellness
“Gastroenteritis is in the alert zone for most of the country, and that’s in over five and under five as an issue. Dengue and upper respiratory tract infections and acute respiratory tract infections fluctuate over the week. So those are better controlled at this point, but gastroenteritis, we’re still reporting and seeing increased cases of this. Gastroenteritis most commonly is caused by viruses, again, spread through droplets, and respiratory droplets. So this is just something for the community to be aware that there is a slight increase of gastroenteritis.”
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