G.O.B. Says No to Accepting Non-Belizean US Deportees
President-elect Donald Trump has issued a stark warning, threatening to deport large numbers of Mexican and Latin American immigrants from the United States once he takes office later this month. Many countries are on edge, including Honduras, where President Xiomara Castro has suggested ending US military cooperation. But what about Belize? Will the Briceño administration bow to US pressure and accept deportees, many of whom are considered violent criminals? Here’s Prime Minister Briceño’s response to that question.
“Will Belize accept being a third country for the US to deport Venezuelans, Haitians and Nicaraguans. There are many indications that Guatemala may agree to this.”

Prime Minister John Briceño
Prime Minister John Briceño
“No. We will not accept it.”
Marion Ali
“Sir, I wanted you to expound on a question my colleague asked regarding the refugee migration to Belize. If the US puts these pressures on us, how are we going to manage those pressures?”
Prime Minister John Briceño
“We are a sovereign nation and they cannot force us to accept people that are not citizens of this country. And, as far as I am concerned, we are not going to accept any citizen that is not Belizean. Any Belizean that they send back, we welcome them. We need workers so we don’t have a problem with that.”
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