Fort George Gets New Digital Connect Center
The Fort George Constituency in Belize City has a new digital connect center. Established through a partnership with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Belize, the center will provide a space for students and residents to access digital devices, and high-speed internet. The official opening of the center was held over the weekend. We heard from Bernard Wagner, the Belize City Mayor, Lily Li-Wen Hsu, the Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Henry Charles Usher, the Area Representative for Fort George.

Bernard Wagner
Bernard Wagner, Mayor, Belize City
“The establishment of the digital connect center really represents a significant step on our mission to bridge the digital divide to ensure that all members of our community have equal access for the opportunities afforded by the digital age, free access to computers, the internet and various digital technologies. This center will serve as a catalyst for empowerment and education. In today’s rapidly evolving world, digital literacy is no longer a luxury it is a necessity and by providing resources and training to our residents, especially those in underserved areas, will empower them to thrive in the digital economy and contribute to the growth and prosperity of our beloved Belize City and country.”

Lily Li-Wen Hsu
Lily Li-Wen Hsu, Ambassador, ROC (Taiwan)
“It is truly a pleasure to join everyone here to celebrate the launch of a digital connect center in Fort George. Fellow residents of Fort George we at the embassy feel especially x cited that our community and neighbors now can have free access to this community that offers computers, internet connection and have the opportunity to be empowered with digital knowledge and skill this center is part of the digital inclusion program jointly implemented by the government of Taiwan and Belize that aims to promote digital inclusion and bridge the digital divide. With this joint endeavor we were able to inaugurate five digital connect centers in different communities across the country last year and this year we are planning to add four more.”

Henry Charles Usher
Henry Charles Usher, Area Representative, Fort George
“It is the hub of information in our community. Because Fort George is not only a community it is a constituency. We are not only residents in this area we are family so I am always happy that we could be here to celebrate something new at this center. This center is the vision of the former Prime Minister, the Right Honorable Said Musa. It is his legacy that we continue today.”
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