Fisherman Murdered While Fishing in Port Loyola
A man was murdered in Belize City on Thursday evening. He has been identified as Alfredo Enrique Rodriquez David. According to Police, a couple that went fishing discovered David’s lifeless body face down at the edge of the seaside in an area near the Port of Belize. When the police arrived at the scene, they discovered a bicycle, a bucket with some fish inside and a brown school bag, all on the edge of the seashore. About one hundred yards away from the items, through a mangrove trail, police discovered David’s lifeless body with multiple gunshot injuries. Several expended shells were retrieved from the scene. We spoke to a relative of David. Here is what she told us that the family last saw him around eight-thirty on Thursday morning.

Voice of: Shantel Serrano
Voice of: Shantel Serrano, Relative of Deceased
“His wife was already concerned form after eleven, because he told his wife he was going to be returning home before lunch. But to her knowledge, or what she though, was that when he was having a good day he would stay out and continue having a good day. So she was saying her husband is probably catching a lot fish. He is being successful so he is trying to finish the day. She became concerned a little after six when it got dark and he did not return. When she was talking to me, because I came home from work around after four. She was talking to me and she was concerned about him not return. So I told her relax she must have gone to visit someone or whatever the case may be. But she was very fidgety, up and down, could not sit down and I was wondering why. She was really worried so I told her just relax, if a certain time come she will reach. We saw Love News posted they found a body and the description was exactly the way he left home. As she saw that she came running up the stairs to tell me. When I went and saw the post, I don’t know how I skipped that, I was just looking at the details so I didn’t realize that until when we came to the police station and that is what they told us and we were like what, shot? My thing was when they found the body I thought because of the sting he got maybe he caught cramp, maybe he drown. But when we realize it is a police case then we wondered why and that is when we found out it was a shot. Why, why when Louis was someone if Louis doesn’t know you he would pass and speak to you. Louis speaks very English very few, he speaks mostly Spanish. He is a Honduran he doesn’t mingle a lot and he is a life of the party when it comes to cultural. Drumming’s he was there, but he is not a person that had a problem with anybody. Louis has been in Belize for many years, and you could ask the police they have never had to pick up Louis for no reason.”
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