Ferguson says Sticker Shortage Won’t Happen Again
Drivers, especially in the Belize District, are fed up with the shortage of license plates, stickers, and cards. The Transport Department has been getting a lot of heat over this issue. When we spoke with the Minister of Transport earlier today, he admitted that the problem is due to the department not ordering enough of these items.
Rodwell Ferguson, Minister of Transportation
“Because I’m the minister, I get the blame. The minister has to assume responsibility. I’m telling my Department of Transport but there must be a minimum and maximum reorder level. For argument’s sake, if we reach a hundred that means you know that you must reorder the quantity of maybe five hundred if that is the maximum.”
Sabreena Daly
“So this is an ordering issue and not so much a supplier issue minister?”
Rodwell Ferguson
“No, it’s more an ordering issue.”
Sabreena Daly
“An ordering issue.”
Rodwell Ferguson
“Just two weeks ago or last week, we made an order for a large amount of license plates stickers and cards. So this will now be an issue of the past. So once those license plates are produced and stickers, we can say that the Department of Transport is on top of that now and it will not happen again under my watch.”
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