FECTAB Laments Cruise Tourism Decline
The Federation of Cruise Tourism Associations of Belize held a press conference today to address the public over concerns it has about the current state of the tourism industry. Earlier this week, the Government of Belize announced that it is compulsorily acquiring twenty-three acres of Stake Bank Island for a public purpose. On Tuesday, Minister of Tourism Anthony Mahler indicated that cruise tourism is on the decline because Belize is not equipped with a berthing facility. Yohny Rosado lamented the decline while noting that the association expected the Briceño Administration to uplift the industry.

Yohny Rosado
Yohny Rosado, Member, FECTAB
“This is one time we can say, and even the minister admits that the cruise tourism industry are down. Every time we have press conference numbers are going up and up, I think one time it was over a million visitors through cruise ship which David and myself question. Nevertheless, we give the government the benefit of the doubt. Like everybody you have to give your partner or your enemy benefit of the doubt before you entangle in issues. We met with BTB, Mr. Evan was in the house, Mr. Enrique was in the house, and they treated us fairly enough and together we shake hands. But up to now we have not seen any improvements in the industry. The people inside FSTV are getting older, tired, and they are making less money. If it is not so, the people inside FSTV can hold their press conference and state that we are lying. We thought the new government, Anthony Mahler would help us uplift the industry. We are so wrong. The government still has a few years to be in. And the way the opposition is going, to be specific, Mr. Shyne as the leader, is very discouraging because in a good country, in a stable country you need a strong opposition to scare the government in power to do the right thing. That is why we are having this press conference, because we weren’t to let our ministers know, the government know, as long as they are not doing the right thing, FECTAB will make noise. I know I can already feel their mind that we are crazy.”
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