Father and Child in Motorcycle Accident are Doing Well
Motorcycle accidents are among the most common mishaps in Belize, prompting insurance companies to increase premiums for motorcycle owners. On Tuesday afternoon, a surveillance video on Barrack Road captured what could have easily been a deadly collision between a motorcycle and a vehicle. What’s worse is that the passenger, a six-year-old child, was not wearing a helmet and suffered head injuries when she was flung under the vehicle that they crashed into. Thankfully, six-year-old Emily Molina did not suffer any concussion when she was flung off the motorcycle. The Holy Redeemer student was being driven by her father, Silas Molina after he picked her up from school and they were heading on Barrack Road towards the clock. He apparently decided to overtake a vehicle in front of him, but changed his mind when he realized another car was coming in the opposite direction. By then it was too late. Molina’s motorcycle skidded on the street and the father and child were flung off the motorbike. Karen Vernon was at the location when the incident happened and rendered assistance.

Karen Vernon
Karen Vernon, First Responder
“I was on the scene before it happened because I was parked on the side waiting for someone and I heard this loud bang. I’m bracing myself for an impact because I thought, you know, something was going to hit my vehicle. And when I looked in the mirror and start opening the door at the same time, I saw this man on the ground on his back. And I started to, you know, ask him, you know, what he needed and if he was in pain? And he said, my baby, my baby. And when I looked over, there was the car and the child was under the car, inches away from the front wheel. So, I don’t know where people came from, but everybody just came to help. And, you know, like, I’m on the ground trying to get the child out from under the vehicle. And some men came and lifted the vehicle. They actually, like, four, I don’t know. I didn’t see any faces. I just saw men, and they lifted the vehicle. And I got the child from under the vehicle. And she was crying to me, which was a good sign, because she’s crying, she’s conscious. And, you know, I’m asking her where it hurts. There was a gash in her head. She was bleeding from her mouth. And, And, um, she’s asking for her dad, like, where’s my dad, and I told her, your dad is okay, you know, we’ll take care of you, and then we’ll check on your dad.”
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