HomeLatest NewsFamily of Ten Still Without a Home

Family of Ten Still Without a Home

Family of Ten Still Without a Home

Water, light, and a structure to provide shelter from the elements are things many people have grown to take for granted, but for Yuri Choc and her family of ten, it is all they are asking for. In early May, the family was displaced after a fire destroyed their home and have since been living in a building used by the local church for a kitchen. This structure has no beds, plumbing, and no space for her children and elderly parents to live comfortably. We visited Choc in Trio Village today, so she can, once again, make an appeal to the public.


Yuri Choc

                                Yuri Choc

Yuri Choc, Fire Victim

“When the house started burn I think the ashes dropped on top of the house. Then da right there we see that the house don catch fire and we can’t wet it because we no got no water and the well dry. That’s why the house get burned too, if we got any water, at least we got the water in the well, maybe we could try save the house, but we never have no water in the well, it’s dry.”


Britney Gordon

“Where have you guys been living now that the house burned down? Where are you staying?”


Yuri Choc

“We stay in the church and kitchen, that’s where we stay right now. Yeah, because ney tell we make, we stay right there at the church kitchen. Da right with dih stay but we know can’t take long right there.”


Britney Gordon

“What what’s it like living in this house? Do you guys have beds? Water. How is it there?”


Yuri Choc

“I ah tell you the truth, we not got no water. The church weh paat ney have the kitchen. ney not got no water. We barely get some water with neighbor. We just ask some ney have and some ney no have. And we not got no bed and everything get burned in the house and all the kitchen stuff all get burned.  Yeah, everything get burned and we don’t got nothing. We never save no clothes.”?


Britney Gordon

“Have you received any help recently? Has anyone reached out to you and offered you support?”


Yuri Choc

“Yes, I want to tell you the truth. We received twenty bags of cement, but only cement we get help for that, but we need them like zinc or blocks or sand at least somebody could support me for the zinc or sand or blocks and steel. We need everything for the house.”


Choc and her family can be reached at the number six-six-five-eight-five-five-seven.

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