Family Claims Minor’s Arrest Was A Mistake, Threatens To Sue
At the top of the news we told you about the shootout between police and the suspect in the Charles James murder. That suspect is a minor who was shot by police officers and taken to Racoon Street Police Station. His family rushed to the station, pleading that he be taken to the hospital for emergency care. Today, the family further detailed the incident as they saw it and explain that they are ready to take legal action if necessary. News Five’s Britney Gordon reports.
Britney Gordon, Reporting
Jaylon Jones’ mother Sherilee Barrow recounted the night her son was shot. She says that moments before, Jones had been eating food with her before leaving the house. Not long after, she saw her son running through the street but was unable to ask where he was going. After that, things escalated, and Barrow received information that her son had been shot somewhere nearby.

Sherilee Barrow
Sherilee Barrow, Mother of Shooting Victim
“My son mih come in a few minutes ago come eat some macaroni out of the pot with bread. So I tell he noh eat out all of the macaroni and thing. So he come outside, lock the door. My daughter ney come hail me, bring something for me. And they gone, I continue laid down in the bed there. And after that, I hear some gunshot gone off. And when I hear the gunshot gone off, I jump up. I frighten out of the lee doze weh I mi de ina because I always have to worry about my lee bwai ney. Because to me, they da wah target to the police, you know. And I always have to de pon my guards. I deh soh dih pray fi ney lee bwai every night not knowing it would happen close to home. And anyway, my son, I hear somebody come in the yard, so I pop my back blinds. And I pop my black blinds. I hear the person the run gwen soh, so when I look, I see dah my son, I sih halla fi ah, Jaylon, Jaylon, Jaylon but ih noh look back. He mi have on the same clothes he had on from all day, he mi tell me he need fi wash. H e neva had no clean clothes, a white shirt and a black pants da dat he mi have on. Continue run, but I noh tek it like that. So I gone inside gone tend to the baby because I dih do wa lee babysitting for my niece. And after that, when I look one of his friends come and after that I she Cory you noh see Jaylon because I just mishalla fih ah and ih run through the yard yah and ih noh stop. Da weh I did tell Cory and Cory seh miss Sher I just left Jaylon and Jaylon gone up the street. She ih di come back right now, ih gwen fi something. And I tell ah I just left Jaylon di eat some macaroni. He she miss Sher, I noh know, I noh know and he gone and after wa lee while, he come back. Cory come halla fii me and she miss Sherilee, da Jaylon ney shot and Jaylon look like he collapse over in the yard ova deh soh. Police deh round ah and ney no wah move ah. Miss Sherilee come emk ney move your son.That weh he di tell me right.”
Barrow said that she arrived at the scene as quickly as possible and found her son bleeding from a gunshot wound. Jones was taken into police custody shortly after.
Sherilee Barrow
“And I put on my clothes, jump and I got through there and I run through deh soh. And the whole neighborhood, dih rail up because they have inna the yard, and a whole amount of police circled around ah and they don’t want to move ah, right? And so I dih fight through ney, dih referee through ney, like dih bustle through ney, hustling and bustling between me and my daughter, the fight through fi get to he. And after that I halla fi ah and dat da howe he finally hear me. And he she m ma ma ney shot me ma. And after that I said please help my son. Please go to the hospital. Please go to the hospital. Officer seh I wa ker ah right now.That’s what he said. I wa ker ah right now. That’s what he said, And after that I said unu please help me but all ah ney just stand up and watch me. So after that I get weh from ney, and I pop round ney. And after that I gone hold my son in my hand and ask my son who hurt him. My son she ma when that happen, I noh know weh happen.. Ih she everybodt start to run and I end up get shot. I don’t know who shot me. Dah weh he dih tell me. Right? So when that done happen, all the police come and fight he fah me and they pick up and put he in the truck back.”
Barrow explained that she, her daughter and son-in-law followed the police to the station. She claims that upon arrival she was met with opposition from the police. She said that they pleaded for officers to take her son to the hospital for medical attention. Commissioner of Police Chester Williams, however, said that would go against protocol.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“As you know, there is a standing protocol that we, um, Do not transport injured persons to the hospital. The police only transport the dead Injured persons are to be transported by the ambulance and so the police officers had took the young man to the Mahogany station Awaiting the ambulance to arrive so the ambulance could have transported him to the hospital For me, I personally would not want for the police to have escorted him For the main fact that he is the same one who had shot at the police Secondly, it was the same police officers that he had shot at who had him in custody. So to avoid any speculations, I would have preferred the ambulance to take him. I saw a live last night where, um, persons were going off and saying that the police had the man in the vehicle to bleed to death. Let me say the man’s injuries were, were, was not life threatening. The bleeding had stopped because they had tied it up with something and, uh, the police were just waiting for the ambulance to come and take him. Seeing that the ambulance took too long, the police eventually took him to the hospital. But again, persons were flustered because they were not allowed to go near the police vehicle. And that could be for the simple fact that when you have a person who is, um, accused of killing another, um, in the same area, you wouldn’t want to have any anybody approach the vehicle that he would be in because what if it would have been associated with the person, person that he had killed who would have want them to come and just kill him in the police vehicle. So police had to make sure that the accused was safe while in their care at that particular moment.”
Barrow maintains that her son was not the type to associate with gang members, nor did he have any conflict with his neighbors. She said that she was unaware that a second person had been detained for the murder and firmly believes her son is not familiar with any of the parties involved.
Britney Gordon
“Was there any conflict that your son was involved at anyone in the area recently?”
Sherilee Barrow
“No ma’am, and if my son be doing anything or involved in anything, I’ll be the first one to know everything cuz he always come confide in me. One thing my kids say, I raised him in a type of way they don’t hide nothing from me ma’am My son don’t have no conflict with nobody or nothing like that”
Brother-in-law of the victim, Joseph Camp stated that the family is prepared to take legal action against the department if necessary. He claims that the department is discriminating against his family members and alleges that both he and his mother-in-law were assaulted and pepper sprayed the night of the incident.

Joseph Camp
Joseph Camp, Brother-in-law of Shooting Victim
“So, we filed a, uh, a professional standards report this morning with the police department. We do intend to hire lawyers to prosecute every legal remedy that you are afforded. I do have my legal team in the United States aware of this, the U. S. Embassy as well, um, and I intend to seek every legal recourse for myself, my in laws, and my brother in law. Uh, reviewing what I spoke with the detectives this morning, they do not have any physical evidence connecting my brother-in-law to the shooting of What they have is speculation and they have a profiling of my brother in law, which I believe is very disturbing and very disgusting.”
Britney Gordon for News Five.
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