Families of Tourists Who Died Mysteriously Want Answers
Today, Commissioner Williams announced that the toxicology report for the mysterious deaths of three American tourists in their hotel room over a month ago is still pending. The families of the three women who died at the Royal Kahal Resort in San Pedro have issued a statement expressing their belief that the deaths are suspicious. They are growing increasingly concerned about the delay in receiving the toxicology results from Belize. Williams confirmed that the results are still pending.

Chester Williams
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
“We had said about a month. I don’t know if a month is up yet, but we had given a timeline of within a month’s time to get the toxicology report. Remember, we’re not the ones who are performing the test. The test is done by a lab in the US and certainly a lab in the US do has their commitments as well. We have paid for the services to be expedited, so we paid for the quickest way, but even though we paid for the quickest way, I guess due to the volume of work that they have, they have not been able to do it. I am sure that once the result is received. Mr. Cho will be more than happy to share that with us, and also with you the media so that we have a clear and definitive cause of death as it relates to those three women. I was the one who communicated with the family initially and since then I have not done so, but I don’t know if B.T.B. is in communication with them because I know that they had created some link between them and the B.T.B. that would keep them up to date as well as the U.S. Embassy. The police would also keep them up to date in terms of what has been done.”
Marion Ali
“If I could follow up on that same topic, it was the Fire Department that conducted the carbon monoxide test…”
Chester Williams
“And the Department of Environment.”
Marion Ali
“Right, so my question is, did the police secure the area before or in time, so that the hotel could not have gone ahead and contaminated or gotten their own team to go in and test because they were saying that there was no trace of…”
Chester Williams
“There are certain protocols that needed to have been observed before the test was done. Those protocols were observed.”
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